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Ivan Zyrianoff's avatar
Ivan Zyrianoff authored

License: MIT Site: SWAMP

SWAMP Application Platform Distribution Package

This project provides an easy and practical way to instantiate the SWAMP Application Platform locally. The SWAMP Application Platform is composed by the following modules:


To download the fill set of files, simply clone this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd application-distribution-package/

Docker and Docker Compose

All the services in this project use lightweight-virtualization in the form of Docker containers. To instantiated the one of the SWAMP subplatforms it is necessary to use Docker Compose - a tool for definign and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, we use a *.yaml file to configure out application's services.

If you do not have Docker and Docker Compose installed yet, follow the instructions here .

You can check your current Docker and Docker Compose versions using the following commands:

$ docker-compose -v
$ docker version


Before the installation and deployment of the Application Platform, there is the need to configure in which IP address is the Orion and QuantumLeap that the Application Platform modules will connect. Normally, both should be set to the IP where the SWAMP IoT Platform is running. For the SWAMP API, this configuration is in the ./installer file:

cat <<EOF > swamp-api/.env
NODE_PORT = 2019
QL_ADDRESS = < QuantumLeap IP Address >
QL_PORT = 8668
ORION_ADDRESS = < Orion IP Address >

For the other modules, there is the need to manually change each configuration before running the docker-compose up command. In order to instanciate the containers run the following commands with admin privileges:

$ ./


$ docker-compose up

In order to check if the installation was successful, run:

$ docker ps

The output should be something like this (i.e. 2 docker containers running):

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                     COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
bee5b4836d8f        application-distribution-package_water-need-calculation   "python -u WaterNeed…"   About a minute ago   Up 17 seconds>4040/tcp   water-need-calculation
d44b7459aac6        application-distribution-package_root-size-estimation     "python -u root_size…"   About a minute ago   Up 18 seconds>5050/tcp   root-size-estimation
6ac0ab1c56ca        application-distribution-package_swamp-api                "node index.js"          About a minute ago   Up 16 seconds>2019/tcp   swamp-api
e5a6d484b784        application-distribution-package_soil-moisture-forecast   "/tini -- python -u …"   About a minute ago   Up 19 seconds>5000/tcp   soil-moisture-forecast
