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Guilherme Branco Ladvocat / openNetaudit
Apache License 2.0Updated -
fibre / clearinghouse
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseCódigo da nova clearinghouse do FIBRE
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fibre / ocf
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseFork of Ofelia Control Framework customized to the FIBRE environment
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cnar / sdn-multicamada / emulacao / emulador optico
Apache License 2.0Epic: Emulador Óptico
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fibre / portal-interface
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseFIBRE's Portal new interface.
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Repository for the work performed by the UFPE cell in the framework of the SWAMP project.
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GT-AMPTo / IoT-Ampto
Apache License 2.0Solução que demonstra a transposição da autenticação no IdP com FIDO UAF para o cenário IoT
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cnar / sdn-multicamada / emulacao / transponder cassini
Apache License 2.0Epic: Transponder Cassini
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fibre / OMF-libraries
MIT LicenseImplementações de resource controllers, experimente controller e biblioteca omf
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The RACE Daemon is a controller of a switch OpenFlow that define the ATER SDN
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Estimates the water necessity of the crop and publishes it in Orion
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